
We are part of the 500 FoodTech Companies to watch!
ClearLeaf is proud to be part of the FoodTech 500 Companies to watch, by Forward Fooding. Inspired by the Fortune 500, the FoodTech 500 is the world’s first definitive list of the global entrepreneurial talent at the intersection between food, technology, and sustainability.
Organic certifications
ClearLeaf’s flagship GotaBlanca® product has obtained its certificate of conformity to Europe Union Organic Standard (CE N°889/2008), Japanese Organic Standard (JAS/MAFF), and Costa Rica Organic Standard (MAG 29782). This certification quickly raises GotaBlanca®´s visibility and status. There are no products on the market that are as effective and safe as GotaBlanca®, and our clearance for organic use under two of the worlds’ most stringent certification systems will make organic production more viable for many farmers, and send a powerful signal to conventional producers that highly effective lower-impact products exist.
We have our seed money!
ClearLeaf recently secured a $500,000 Seed Round. We plan to launch an A Round in 2021 to advance and accelerate our core activities. We have an exciting and growing list of potential investor candidates for an A Round who have confirmed interest.